Request for ZARRI TECHNICAL DRAWING approval and acceptance of general terms of sale

This document is the English translation of the original in Italian; this latter is the only valid one. Please use the Italian version to add stamp and signature and send it to your direct reference person in Zarri.


Technical drawing approval

Our company operates according to a certified Quality Management System and undertakes to guarantee full compliance with the requirements set out by its customers.

For each new item, an internal production drawing is produced using CAD, which you will find adjacent
to this document. This allows for an up-to-date and unambiguous computerised management of processes relating to products, customers, suppliers, etc.

In order to ensure that we fully comply with your requirements, please examine the attached production drawings to ensure they are correct, marking and correcting any errors or inaccuracies.

Please also return the drawings to the sender’s e-mail address, stamped and signed in acceptance by your company’s legal representative, or their representative, bearing in mind that production will only be launched once you have stamped and signed this document. Please return this document in its entirety, complete with text and technical drawing, and your stamp and signature.


General Terms of Sale

In addition to approving the technical drawing, Zarri’s general terms of sale must also be approved in order for us to complete your order. To view the Zarri general terms of sale, please scan the adjacent QR CODE, or click on the following link: Zarri General Terms of Sale.


Declaration of ownership

This signature denotes acceptance of this technical drawing and declaration of full ownership of all rights over the drawing itself and over the goods represented therein, including rights of use, production, disclosure and trade of the same, and of keeping Zarri S.r.l. completely indemnified from any liability or duty of ascertainment and/or control in this regard, as well as in relation to the fact that they are or are not covered by registration or patent or any other form of protection of intellectual and industrial property by third parties, with a declaration of indemnity of Zarri S.r.l. from any claims made by third parties mentioned and from the consequences that they may cause to the latter.



This drawing is protected by copyright and may be used solely by the direct customers of Zarri S.r.l. with prohibition of circulation to third parties.